Monday, March 19, 2012

From Deserts to Mountains

I have decided to take on a new challenge and I am really excited about it!  I am registered for the Tor des Geants (TDG) in Courmayeur, Italy this September. It is a 200 mile (330 km) nonstop race in the Italian Alps.  Runners are given 150 hours to race a course that has 24,000 metres of total climb, with 25 passes that are over 2,000 metres.  It is called Tour of the Giants because the trail winds around the feet of  Europe's tallest peaks...Mont Blanc, Rutor, Gran Paradiso, Monte Rosa Massif, and the Matterhorn.

This is the third year the race has been held, and it is being called the most gruelling, most spectacular endurance trail in the world.  Organizers cap the race at 550 athletes from around the world.  To give you an idea of how popular this event has become, registration sold out this year in 27 minutes!!!  I am so happy to be one of those runners!

This is going to provide a nice break from Desert running.  Don't get me wrong, I still Love the Desert.  But I have had some recent heartbreaks with these events and I need a sure thing.  I was registered for a race in Algeria awhile back, and that event was cancelled because of politics.Then I was registered for the Libyan Challenge for my second time, and that race was cancelled at the last minute due to revolt.

A mountain race is also providing some excitement because it is a brand new experience for me.  I can take on any Desert race now with my eyes closed...I know the ropes.  But I am a beginner in the mountains, and I can't wait to start trekking up the steep learning curve!  Gear, altitude, terrain, temperature changes, the Cold!  I hate being cold!!!

I moved from Canada to Florida because I couldn't take the Canadian winters anymore.  Yes, it is beautiful up in the mountains with all the snow, but I am just done for when the temperature dips below -10C.  I started running Desert ultras in 2000 and trained through 10 Canadian winters.  I knew my running was over if I didn't make a move.  I could not force myself out the door anymore to run in the cold.  I loved the heat, I loved the desert, I loved the sand.  So now here I am in North Miami, Florida!
It is sunny and hot all year round...and I run almost everyday on the beach in the sand.  Perfect training for Desert Ultras.  Not so great for Mountain training...

Here I am ... training for the world's toughest mountain race....and I am living at sea level!  Can I move back home?!  I want to be in Calgary to train now!  Go figure the irony here!!!!

This blog is going to be the record I keep in trying to master this new challenge.  It is fun to be a beginner!  Lots to learn and experience for the first time!  How to train and prepare for a Mountain ultra while living in sunny Florida at sea level with nary a hill in sight!  Stay should be a fun ride!  Sandy

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