Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Oxygen Please!


The surgery is over with and I am feeling well enough now to write about it!  I went into the hospital at 9am on Thursday morning.  I was ushered into the pre-op area and had to change into one of those hideous hospital gowns that opens in the back...Yuck!  I lay down and Dr. Morse came to visit me.  He is well aware of my running and we always chit chat about training.  He was wearing his new pair of black Asics which he was happy to show off to me...nice! He went over the procedure and put me at ease about the surgery.

Next came the nurse with the IV.  She was really great about it and although the needle does hurt a bit going is never too bad.  I am actually used to this part, having had to receive numerous IV's in the past due to dehydration issues in some of my desert races.  At least you don't get a penalty for getting an IV for surgery!  In some races you get a time penalty if you request or need an IV.

Then they add some medication to the IV bag to help make you sleepy.  I wanted to be awake heading into the operating room because I wanted the staff in there to get my picture before I was knocked out.  No such luck though.  It was lights out before I knew it!  I had my camera resting on my stomach though, and they managed to take a few pictures for me!

The surgery only took about an hour and I was in recovery before I knew it.  It took a couple more hours to get released and I headed home.  I probably slept on and off for the better part of the next 48 hours.  I was really out of it and medication always hits me hard.

I was supposed to be training again by Monday, but no such luck.  I was just really in some discomfort with my nose.  I felt like I had a severe case of the flu after being punched in the face.  I was slightly dizzy, my ears felt plugged, my nose was constantly dripping, my lips were dry and cracked, my throat was sore from where the breathing tube was during surgery, and my eyes felt really sensitive to the light.  God, I make a really bad patient don't I?!

Anyway, I did manage to make it through the whole ordeal, and can't wait to reap the benefits!  I am going to be able to breathe through my nose!!!  What a concept!  I am going to need every advantage for this race coming up in Italy.  Now onto the next to acclimate for the high altitude in Italy coming from sea level in Florida.  I am working on something now and I will let you know the outcome!

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